Reinvent Yourself at Any Age: Master the R.I.S.E. Process for Life-Changing Results
(Read Time 15 min)
Today we are diving into the self improvement side of the R.I.S.E. Process. We are going to focus on the first two steps of the process of Reach and Inner.
The R.I.S.E. Process looks like this:
R - Reach
I - Inner
S - Serve
E - Evolve
Make sure you download the R.I.S.E. work book and follow along.
The pursuit of self-improvement and personal growth has never been more important. Personal evolution into superior versions of ourselves is what fuels the engines of aspiration and continually makes the world around us better.
A renewed, bolder version of your life is no mere daydream; it’s actual tangible reality that is awaiting you.
This blog post reveals insight into my R.I.S.E. process. It is a practical process to unlock how to reinvent yourself, embrace a growth mindset, reprogram your mind, bolster your motivation, and undergo an identity shift from You 1.0 to You 2.0. There is also a lot of practical wisdom from The Bible. I have to thank people like Sam Ovens, Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Jim Rohn for helping me learn a lot of this and then apply it to my life.
Before embarking on this transformation, it’s important to have context to the core essence that forms the crux of existence—the Natural Law, or Life's algorithm. This profound law underscores an ultimate truth of existence, operating on a simple yet powerful principle: causing an effect.
To leap significantly towards personal growth, three cardinal pillars uphold the essence of this mastery: Knowledge, Memory, and Time.
1) KNOWLEDGE - Knowledge is literally power and understanding oneself and the governing laws of nature should be the highest priority in order to live a happy and purposeful life. Ignorance is darkness, Knowledge is light.
You must promise yourself to become a life-long learner and student who is passionate about acquiring wisdom.
2) MEMORY- Beliefs and stress about the past are extremely inaccurate and are the cause of most people's issues and limitations. Undoing the knots, reprogramming your mind, and building new beliefs are of extreme importance.
You must promise yourself to work on confronting personal beliefs systems and installing a new personal paradigm and worldview.
3) TIME - Understanding the non-linear compounding effects of time and how to use it to your ultimate advantage is essential to reaching your desired life and greater version of you.
You must promise yourself to stick to this process and take consistent action till compounding joins your side.
This is your time to build someone new that helps you achieve the life you have always wanted, to help those whom you have always wanted to help, and to make the impact your called to make.
Why People Fail and/or Quit:
People begin on a journey and can't see the results from their actions immediately so they give up and quit before they reach the point where the results start coming in and compounding.
People who stick to the journey long enough to experience the compounding effect often forget what cause was responsible for creating it. If unconscious, this makes things seem chaotic and out of their control. If conscious, you repeat the same cause in an optimized form to create in time a greater effect.
Society has made starting and succeeding in life or business out to be a massive gamble of a 1% group who make it because they are "lucky."
There is no such thing as luck.
Only Natural Law from Input and Output compounded exponentially over time. They never quit and stick to progressing forward. This is why the RISE Process give you the system to continually create a better version of you and have life reflect that new version.
Let's dive into the RISE Process itself.
Reach has two different parts due to two different meanings: To Arrive at and To extend to.
In the first part of Reach you must get a clear understanding of where you have arrived at, aka your current reality. How do you do that? You take inventory.
Take Inventory - To arrive At
"The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your questions." - Personal Growth Gurus Everywhere
In this first part, you must move through a series of questions getting clear on the current reality in four core areas of your life. Being, Body, Business and Balance.
ACTION STEP: Go through this section in the R.I.S.E. Workbook and answer all the questions about You 1.0.
The Specific Ask - To Extend to
"People are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of." - The Alchemist
The thing is, most people have limiting beliefs and paradigms that keep them stuck. They also do not have a clear vision of what those goals look like and what they want in life. So they settle for the cards they're dealt and accept their current reality. They believe that this is just the way life is.
"If you don't even know the life you want, you are just going to keep the life you have." - Erwin McManus
You have the power to change your reality. Believe that. Let's get clear.
The first way to do this is to get clear on a Three Year Picture. Three years are what I call Phases in my life.
I look at this Three Year Picture through a Be Do Have lense.
BE - Who do I want to Be?
DO - What do I want to be doing? (Personally & Professionally)
HAVE - What do I want to have in my life? This can be material or personal. If it is material, get clear on how much it costs.
You must get absolutely clear on what this vision and what these goal looks like.
ACTION STEP: Move through this section in the R.I.S.E. work book now.
With this new vision of life and these clear goals, you wont achieve them by being who you currently are. Because who you are being has gotten you exactly to where you are right now, your current reality.
To set the stage for transforming into You 2.0 I want to share three core ideas that helped me first make an initial change from Kyle 1.0 to Kyle 2.0.
The Mirror
Your life's events and experiences are reflective of your inner self, with fears and judgments forming a lens that shapes your perception of the surrounding world.
For example, the fear of judgment can hinder you from achieving remarkable accomplishments, because you you have a fear of being judged yourself. The way you value yourself sets the precedent for how others will perceive and treat you, illustrated through your own decision-making timelines being mirrored by others.
Addressing these personal challenges quickly is crucial as they often extend into professional life, reinforcing the adage, "As Above, So Below; As Below, So Above," and indicating a balanced mind and body as the foundation for a thriving life and business.
The Law of Magnetism
The Law of Magnetism asserts that how we show up depends on who shows up around us, a principle applicable both personally and professionally.
For example, to allure the ideal client or partner, you must embody the same qualities and standards that you seek in them. Your lives often mirrors your lowest standards instead of your highest aspirations, highlighting the need to elevate yourself and your standards to attract better opportunities and relationships.
By adhering to this law, you can attract scenarios and relationships that resonate with your higher aspirations by being a greater version of yourself. This create a nurturing environment for your dreams to flourish.
The Holographic Paradigm
Your brain has the unique ability to shape your reality by decoding frequencies from a higher dimension, functioning like a hologram interpreting a holographic universe. - this may seem out there, but bear with me here.
This Universal Realm of Opportunity invites you to vividly visualize your desires, thus aligning with God and the universe to see them reflected and show up in your life. Your dreams and goals await your action to transition from this higher dimension into your current reality, with you being the vehicle for this transcendence.
As I always love to share that when You move, God moves.
By nurturing faith and persevering in your journey, you not only fulfill your own aspirations but also contribute meaningfully to the world that eagerly needs your unique offerings and your greatest self.
ACTION STEP: Read Through The Mindset Section of the R.I.S.E. Workbook
Having an understanding of those core concepts will guide you and give you conviction and confidence if you grasp them.
Now it's time to get clear on who YOU 2.0 is in the four core areas again. Being, Body, Business, Balance.
The greatest question I continue to ask myself is, Who are you becoming?
ACTION STEP: Move through The Alchemy of Self section and answer all the questions about You 2.0 for Being, Body, Business, and Balance. Create a greater version of YOU. Change your reality. Commit to excellence in every area of life. If you take this seriously, your life and career will explode out of this world.
After getting clear on YOU 2.0, you have create a new paradigm in which you view the world from.
Remember, your current paradigm and who you have been being has gotten you exactly to what you are experiencing in life currently. If you don't like your current circumstances, YOU have the power to change it.
For me I created what I call The Impacter Paradigm. It was inspired after I read the book King Warrior Magician Lover.
This is the new paradigm to which I view myself, the world, and operate from now. Sure, it may change over time, but it is what helped me let go of Kyle 1.0 and become Kyle 2.0. You can view my paradigm in the RISE workbook.
Congratulations. You have a clear new version of You 2.0.
Review this new version of you every night before you go to bed for 6 months. Meditate and visualize deeply on who YOU 2.0. Paint a clear picture in your mind of YOU 2.0. Dissect your mind and replace You 1.0 with YOU 2.0.
Now you may be thinking, Great Kyle, I know who I want to become and have my goals and aspirations. Now how do I exactly become this person and achieve them?
You must go through an inner transformation.
To truly embrace the vision of You 2.0 and attain your goals, an inner transformation MUST take place.
You must kill off You 1.0, shedding the old habits, beliefs, and mindset that has kept you tethered to your current reality. It may sound harsh, but the truth is, your present life circumstances are predominantly shaped by YOU.
So here is the question you must ask yourself, Do you want to change? Are you in enough pain to finally make a change?
Because who you are has created the life you have. If you want a different life it's going to require a change, a different you.
If you feel helpless in changing your situation, it's likely because you've given your power to external circumstances. Remember the life you have didn't create you, it's you who created the life you have.
Take your power back!
Once you do, you will realize that you can transform. You are a powerful individual. You can make the change. You can create the life that you love.
How do we say goodbye to You 1.0? Write a eulogy. Share it with growth-minded friends so they can being to keep you accountable.
ACTION STEP: Write yourself a Eulogy that You 2.0 would read at You 1.0 funeral. Here is mine for example.
Once you’ve laid You 1.0 to rest, it's time to craft a manifesto for You 2.0. A manifesto is a public declaration of intentions, motives, or views of You 2.0. Again, share it with growth-minded friends for accountability.
ACTION STEP: Write a manifesto for You 2.0. Here is mine for example.
You have killed off You 1.0. You have a new vision for life and goals for You 2.0. Now, you must begin the inner transformation in order to become You 2.0.
The Inner Transformation
First, your inner transformation can begin when you have more knowledge and a new awareness and understanding of your body (soil) and your mind (the garden). - Taking on the perspective of a farmer/gardener has helped me fix my garden because thats who we truly are. We aren't the garden, we aren't the farmer, we are the one who observes them.
You must fix the soil, first. It is the prerequisite for what can continually grow and manifest within your garden.
The body keeps a score of all our experiences, emotions, and traumas. Many of these are unconscious. This is similar to a garden's soil retaining healthy or unhealthy nutrients and elements that end up effecting the future health of the entire garden.
I began begin to fix my soil with meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises, this what you can do too.
Get present and feel your body. Ask questions where you feel tightness in your body. Observe and question thoughts that pop. Let go of fears, trauma, and false beliefs. Do this over an extended period of time and you will be surprised at what surfaces to the conscious mind from the subconscious mind. Thats when you have the power to fix the soil.
If you want a deeper understanding of the soil, read the Body Keeps The Score by Dr. Bessel A van der Kolk.
Fixing the soil may require professional help. And if it does, know that you aren't alone. It's ok. It is one of the most loving things you can do for yourself. Because your garden and your life depends on it. Get some help.
Now let's talk about the garden, your mind.
Like a garden, your mind flourishes or withers based on what you plant in it; it's a silent but potent play between the subconscious and the automatic programs that function beneath your everyday awareness.
In essence, our mind's garden grows what we plant and water the most, underscoring the mantra - we become what we think about most.
Many of us live with this awareness, yet unconscious of how these processes work.
So how do you begin to cultivate a "renewing of your mind?" You must dedicate time to meditation, reflection, and prayer.
What I did and continue to do is sit in silence and observe. Remember we aren't the garden, or the gardener, we are the observer. When negative thoughts pop up, I write them down. I get them out of my head so I can observe them. Then I can reframe and replace them. Just like a gardener who sees weeds in his garden must isolate the weeds, kill them, and replace with new healthy seeds.
I take inventory of my mind. Seeing your thoughts and ideas written on paper gives you the ability to detach and observe. You see the whole garden from a 10,000 Foot view. Then you dive into specific areas and fix what you must fix, change what you must change.
Review your current garden, what do you see? Does it brim with fruits of love, happiness, and fulfillment, or is it fraught with weeds of negativity, fear, and discontent?
What are the seeds you plant? Do you plant them consciously or unconsciously? The seeds represent aspects like music, shows, podcasts, movies, mentors, books, friends, news, and ideas. The mind doesn't care what you plant, but it will grow whatever fruit or whatever weeds you plant and continue to water. You must become a conscious individual. Look at what seeds you are planting and watering in your mind.
What kind of environment is your garden in? Your friend group, your work environment, your home environment. Are they conditions leading to your You 2.0 life or are they holding you back? Environment is one of the key components in the success of a garden. It is also one of the hardest changes one must make.
Like seasoned gardeners or farmers, you should be meticulous in tending your garden. Chose what seeds to sow and water each season. This causing an effect dynamic is a manifestation of what we spoke about earlier, Natural Law.
This is Gardening or Farming 101, understanding the mechanics of growth and inner transformation is paramount. Remember, we become what we think about most. Your garden grows whatever seeds you plant. The seeds then grow into trees that can produce fruit or produce pain over time. This aligns with the Law of Sowing and Reaping, also known as the Law of Harvest.
So What kind of harvest do you want to have? This brings it all back to Knowledge, Memory, & Time. You gain knowledge of Gardening, you are conscious of what seeds you began to plant in our mind seasons ago, and time passes as you stay committed to the process so you can experience a harvest.
If you are unconscious of the seeds you plant your mind, or garden, begins to experience dis-ease. This is still a harvest. Just not a good harvest. A dis-ease in your mind transmutes into disease that can affect the whole soil, aka your body.
We, yes you and I, must tend to our gardens consciously. We can transform our lives through this perspective. Our life's depends on it.
Now you have done the hard inner work. What next? SERVE.
The 'Serve' phase in the R.I.S.E Process signifies the stage where you take MASSIVE ACTION.
As you transition into YOU 2.0, a shift in your mindset and actions are taking place.
You reflect your evolved paradigm and You 2.0 through serving others. You serve others and act differently because you have gone through an inner transformation and CHANGED.
The core idea of this phase is about taking massive action - moving beyond mere understanding of who YOU 2.0 is to actively manifesting your new live that has the ability to serve others at a higher level.
As you act, Life's algorithm will give you valuable feedback of your endeavors along your journey to You 2.0. Reflect on the feedback you receive, just as the gardener begins to see what grows in their garden. From reflection, you can determine the next steps and courses of action you must take.
Over time, your continual efforts not only solidify a better version of yourself but also positively alter your circumstances, marking a significant stride in your self-improvement and personal growth journey to living as YOU 2.0.
Welcome to the evolved YOU 2.0, a milestone marking your ascent to a life at new heights.
What's next?
As you embark on your continual personal growth journey, you’ll begin to learn the pathway of surrender, a mechanism of letting go that propels you to a higher level of consciousness.
To ascend to new heights, it necessitates the act of giving up or letting go of what no longer serves your garden's wellbeing. The evolution is about surrendering the old seeds and soils that impede growth, and consciously choosing better seeds, better soils, and better nurturing methods.
Through this prudent gardening, you are not merely surviving; you are thriving in a continuum of growth, embodying the promise of what it truly means to evolve.
As you live as your new evolved 2.0 self, you must continually take a 'view from space,' a metaphorical vantage point allowing you to detach, review, take inventory, and understand your new circumstance, your new garden as YOU 2.0. You detach from the garden, you look at it from 10,000 feet above. Then you are able to see the weeds, see the parts of the soil that needs to be tilled, see ares of the garden that needs more water.
You then can do what needs to be done, in order to change the health of your garden and keep it flourishing.
There is no limit to your garden. You continue to plant new seeds. Then water them. Tend to them. And you'll be amazing at what kind of harvests you will experience in the future seasons ahead.
Engage life as YOU 2.0. When you do you'll start to reap the harvest of transformations, but remember, this harvest only flourishes with perseverance. Stay committed, remember Memory and Time, allow the power of compounding to work alongside, and watch as your life undergoes a profound transformation.
This process echoes the biblical principle of mind renewal, making it not just a spiritual truth, but a tangible reality in your life's journey.
Now that you have become YOU 2.0 what do you do now?
YOU REPEAT THIS PROCESS AND BECOME EVEN GREATER. YOU 3.0. You can reinvent yourself for the rest of your life by going through this R.I.S.E. Process. I do my best to reinevent myself with each Phase (3-Years) of life.
You can use the R.I.S.E. Process and The Impacter Flow to continue on your journey. Set yourself up for greatness.
Here's to YOU 2.0, YOU 3.0 and the continual evolution of becoming your greatest self.
You got this. Keep going.
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